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Protective Operations - Core Concepts pt. 2

Developing an understanding of the environment and the assignment is critical.

Determining risks and evaluating threats is one of the first steps to beginning the process of implementing a #protectivedetail. Once it has been determined that a protective detail is necessary it should be fairly obvious as to why. Necessity for protection is not the sole factor for determining risk and evaluating threats. Understanding the environment and the assignment are going to be your starting point when you determine risk and evaluate threats.

A fundamental understating of the operational environment is not the only factor that should be considered. An understanding of how your principal and protective detail are viewed within that environment are also key. This is how the aspects of the assignment are tied into the understating of the environment. Things to consider such as what the protective assignment entails, the goals of your principal, and his/her position within their organization are also important.

  • What security resources are offered within the operational environment? Are they reliable? Response time? What are their capabilities? What relationships does the detail and organization have with local security resources?

  • What medical services are offered? What protocols have been established for medical treatment?

  • What are the atmospherics like in general and specifically towards your principal, protective detail and organization or representation?

  • What is communication like between your principal or organization and the general population? What are some of the communications that have taken place previously and will likely take place in the future? This includes, neutral, threatening and positive feedback.

  • Who are the potential hostile actors in the AO (area of operation)?

  • What are the intentions of potential hostile actors in the AO?

  • What are the capabilities of potential hostile actors?

  • What are the tactics of hostile actors int he AO? What scenarios are you most likely to face?

  • What are the day to day operational risks? Vehicle accidents? Principal Medical emergencies? Risky behaviors or activities? Crime? Other violence?

  • AO history - What is the historical significance of the area you're operating in as it relates to the principal? What events or situations have shaped the environment (past or current)?

  • What are your protectee's primary goals and objectives? What are the goals and objectives of his/her organization as they relate to the AO? Does the very nature of the principals organization or representation present a risk given the AO? Is the protectee known or unknown?

  • What is the history of the protective detail? How have they been conducting operations? What are the attitudes of the team members?

  • What is the communication like between the protective detail and the principal? What is the principals view of the protective detail?

  • What is the principals understanding of the protective detail?

  • What is the principals view of the AO?

Take some time to consider and evaluate these questions. It will help determine how capable your detail and organizational resources are. It will also give you an idea of how to begin to implement and execute the protective operation. Prepare for likely scenarios through evaluation and training, but I would recommend dedicating a majority effort to implementing preventive measures and mitigation tactics. I believe in preparing for the attack, all the while planning and executing avoidance.

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